My 2013 book, The Peak Performing Professor: A Practical Guide For Faculty Productivity and Happiness contains hundreds of strategies for working well while living well. My book can be purchased directly from the publisher at Jossey-Bass Wiley or from Amazon.
One of my favorite activities is doing on-line coaching for book groups who want to implement the strategies from The Peak Performing Professor and for writing groups who want to write more easily and successfully. The participants of these coaching groups report that our work together helps them to:
- Break down large projects into smaller achievable tasks that take 15-30 minutes;
- Organize projects, big and small, from idea stage to completion;
- Stop procrastinating and get writing regularly;
- Write on the 'right' topics that build a body of work rather than just stale articles leftover from your dissertation topic;
- Conquer the self-defeating attitudes and distractions that block writing progress.